What Are Academies
Academies are publicly-funded independent schools.
Academies don’t have to follow the national curriculum and can set their own term times. They still have to follow the same rules on admissions, special educational needs and exclusions as other state schools.
Academies receive their budgets directly from the Government, via the Education Funding Agency, not their local council as other state schools do. Academies are run by an Academy Trust which employs the staff. Some Academy Trusts only have one school to look after, we have more than one school and are known as Multi Academy Trust. We have one Trust Board who oversee more than one Academy.
Some Academies have sponsors such as businesses, universities, other schools, faith or voluntary groups. Sponsors are responsible for improving the performance of their schools.
Inspire Multi Academy Trust was formed by the Governing Body of Farringdon Primary School, who applied for Academy Status to the Secretary of State for Education as a Multi Academy Trust, where they could act as a sponsor school for other Academies, aiming to help them to improve their standards and performance. Multi Academy Trust Status was granted in December 2012, at which time Farringdon Academy and Inspire Multi Academy Trust was formed.
In April 2013, Directors of the Trust welcomed New Penshaw Academy and Plains Farm Academy to the Multi Academy Trust, followed in July 2016 by Burnside Academy and Fatfield Academy joining the Inspire family of academies.
In addition to the Trust Board, each Academy has its own Local Governing Body who take a key role in driving forward the attainment and progress within each Academy.
Our Governance
We have 5 Members and they hold the Board of Trustees to account for the performance of the Trust.
We have 9 Trustees and they hold the Chief Executive Headteacher and Local Governing Bodies to account for the strategic operation of the Trust and its academies.
All decisions made are for the benefit of all schools in the Trust. Our MAT Board meet twice a term and in addition, operate a number of committees to deal with matters linked to Personnel, Finance, Strategy, Performance etc.
The MAT Board and each committee elect a Chair who ensures each meeting runs smoothly.
Our MAT Board have established a Local Governing Body in each school which include parent and staff representation. Local Governing Bodies have an overview on school performance and attainment, holding leaders to account for the performance of their academy.